Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Celebrations 101: How to Plan for a child’s Birthday Party
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Planning a child’s party need not be stressful if parents know how to go about it. In fact, they may just find the whole experience enjoyable.

One of the very first things that parents should determine is their child’s current interest. Is he or she into dinosaurs? Or cars perhaps? How about the latest Disney movie? Parents can directly ask their child, or they can observe and plan a surprise birthday celebration.

The next step in party planning is setting a budget. How much budget is allocated to the party? Answering this question will help in determining other party essentials.

The following questions should be about party specifics and logistics. When is the party going to be held? Where is it going to be held? What time is the party? These questions will help parent answer another set of questions: How many people can the party venue accommodate? And how many invitees?

Next, parents will have to focus on party supplies. These include how many invitations should be printed out, how many balloons to order, how many tables and chairs should be rented (if necessary), and of course, the headcount for food.

Once all of these has been settled, the hunt for suppliers begins. Parents might want extra help with this part of the planning process since the quality and price of supplies vary from supplier to supplier. Choosing the right suppliers could save parents a fortune.
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Club Luichi’s personal consultants help members save a fortune when looking for suppliers for party merchandise. For more about the company and its host of services, visit this LinkedIn page.

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