Friday, November 20, 2015

The Benefits of Community Marketing Through Social Media

Successful brick-and-mortar stores and e-commerce retailers know the value of building and engaging a community.

Community marketing is an advertising strategy that involves creating an attractive, relatable brand presence to engage existing customers. Starbucks Corporation, for example, incorporated community marketing in its social media strategy via its “My Starbucks Idea” program, through which their customers could make suggestions on everything from new products to loyalty programs.

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Another type of community marketing is one that involves creating an audience first before building a brand. A recent example is Tribesports, a company which describes itself as a “global community of sportspeople.” After creating a large following of amateur and professional athletes through its fitness challenges and groups, the company asked members for suggestions and released a line of athletic clothing tailored to their needs.

Communities on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media websites give consumers a place to connect with like-minded people. They also serve as platforms where potential customers can air their needs. Online communities also give companies the opportunity to address customer requests and complaints to make their customers feel valued.

Apart from building and enhancing brand-customer relationships, community marketing through social media provides other benefits. Online communities allow companies to create a multi-directional, real-time conversation with their customers, helping companies build a strong brand identity through honest, engaging storytelling.

Instead of simply posting links to product websites or tweeting about a new promotion, companies can share content that informs, moves, and motivates. Authenticity matters a lot to modern consumers, who want to know that they're purchasing products or services from a company that cares about them and shares their values. The modern customer rewards companies that meet his or her needs with loyalty.

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Community marketing is also low-cost, compared to other more traditional forms of marketing, and has the added benefit of allowing companies to tap into a wealth of information and feedback to improve their products and services.

Club Luichi is an online shopping hub that provides its members access to exclusive discounts and deals on a wide range of products and services. For more discussions on community marketing, follow this Google+ account.

Monday, September 21, 2015

How e-commerce has revitalized trade and business communications

One of the more fundamental learnings in business development is understanding trends and how they can be translated into more revenue. Any businessperson would understand that there are many trends to look for and understand; but perhaps one of the most important considerations is e-commerce. This form of trade focuses on business relationships conducted electronically. This suggests the absence of a third party; meaning that both the consumer and retailer are directly communicating with one another.

This trend began with the rapid growth of technology and mobile apps. Entrepreneurs were no longer inclined to hire another company or person to get their message across. Smartphones created an avenue for people to communicate with each other in real-time. This was the catalyst for a new business model.

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Many factors changed. Marketing strategies now were more intimate. Consumers were asked to take a closer look at their desired product. Since there was no middleman, consumers operated solely on what they knew and how they reacted to a specific situation. Retailers, on the other hand, had to become more engaging with their customers; not only for sales but to better gauge their market. This drastically changed the way business models were made.

Economists believe that e-commerce dramatically changed trade. Perhaps it was influenced by earlier models of business communications, but it has evolved into its own platform.

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Club Luichi is an online platform that connects consumers to wholesalers in a safe and secure environment. Learn the benefits of becoming a member by visiting this LinkedIn page.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How to save on peak-season travel costs

Many travel articles espouse the cost benefits of traveling during the low season, but for those who have yet to embark on their summer vacation, all is not lost. There are ways for travelers to save money even though summer is already in full swing. Below are some tips.

Be flexible with travel dates

For those who don't have to travel on specific dates, being flexible when it comes to arrival and departure dates can mean huge savings on airfare. Booking a flight a day earlier or later can sometimes help travelers save hundreds of dollars. Try websites that allow flexible date searches for air travel, such as, Google Flights, and Kayak.

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Book tickets on off-peak days

Experts recommend booking flights on Monday and Tuesday mornings when airlines have just finished meeting the demand for weekend flights. According to, airlines typically charge less for tickets from Monday noon to Thursday noon.

 Rent a house, not a hotel room

In some areas, finding residents willing to rent their house or apartment to you might be cheaper than booking a room at a hotel or resort. Most homeowners are willing to negotiate as well, and houses and apartments come with amenities (such as kitchens) that hotel rooms do not.

Airbnb and are two websites that provide information on homes, apartments, and even rooms for rent across the country (and in Airbnb's case, all over the world.) To save even more money, travelers could consider renting out their homes while they're away.

 Club Luichi provides its customers with exclusive discounts on airfare and other travel costs. For more articles on saving money while traveling, subscribe to this blog.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Business Tips: Seeking The Best Supplier

Picking the right supplier is important to the growth of a business. Often overlooked, the right supplier can help entrepreneurs turn prospects into profits.
Below are three considerations when searching for a supplier: 
  • Suppliers can be classified into four general categories: (1) manufacturers (2) distributors (3) independent craftspeople, and (4) import sources. Generally, surpassing manufacturers and distributors can help business buy raw materials at a more affordable price.
  • Source locally. To avoid freight, shipping, or other delivery costs, try to find local suppliers for the same goods. For those searching on the Internet, narrow the search by phrasing keywords based on location. For example, for wholesale boxes in New York, key in “wholesale boxes New York” or “wholesale boxes NYC.”
  • Another way to find the best suppliers is to attend trade shows. These shows, which are typically industry-specific, provide goods at competitive prices, especially for wholesale dealings.
Finally, once you find a supplier, make sure to establish a good relationship. This will allow you to grab more discounts and access to products exclusive to your type of business.

Club Luichi provides professional service that connects consumers and manufacturers worldwide. Get updates about the company by following this Twitter account.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Traveling Like a Boss: Tips on Booking Your Next Flight Online

If you’re planning your next getaway or if you’re packing for a business meeting a thousand miles from where you live, then the following tips may help you book a cheap flight online.

  1. Buy early or buy late During peak travel periods, booking reservations late may cost you to lose the game. Travel tickets usually go up two weeks before the actual flight. So you better reserve your ticket before this deadline. Also, if you’re planning to fly internationally, then it is suggested that you make the call three to six months in advance. But say you weren’t able to do this. You could just wait at the very last minute to buy the tickets when airlines lower the prices for failure to fill their planes. Although there’s a high risk you won’t be able to get one. 
  2. Keep your searches top secret Have you noticed the flight price change after searching it a few times? It’s true that flight price changes in most websites based on the cookies in your browser. You may counter this by searching for flights in incognito or private browsing. In Google Chrome or Safari, incognito is enabled by hitting Command (or Control if using PC), Shift, “N”. For Firefox, hit Command, Shift, “P”.
  3. Keep looking You may find a good deal the first time you hit the search button, but more often than not, there are still better deals you have not seen yet so keep shopping around. Visit known booking sites with good reviews and you are sure to find the cheapest of them all. 

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Use these tips, save money on your next flight, and travel like a boss. Bon voyage!  

Club Luichi provides a wide range of services including travel booking and planning, and hotel reservations. Visit this website for more information.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

E-commerce evolution: Key factors influencing the modern buyer’s experience

The constantly evolving market is becoming more diverse as technology and the drive toward sustainability influence production and marketing. The emergence of e-commerce is boosting the profitability of local companies and products, some of which may even be merely in the conceptualization stages.

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With the expanding coverage of Internet-based markets, the demographic of online shoppers is also accounting for more patrons, including mothers who are loyal store-goers, and seniors who have been influenced by their millennial children.

Convenience. Easily accessible information. Options. These are the fundamental characteristics that draw consumers to e-commerce. With the ubiquity of mobile phones and the Internet that allows unlimited access to intelligent mobile applications, the integration of social media into people's daily routines, and the expedited delivery of goods and services, more consumers are participating in and finding e-commerce transactions more rewarding than traditional shopping.

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But while e-commerce is winning over the crowds, the offline experience is actually evolving as well. The truce between traditional and online shopping is leading to a beneficial relationship as the physical retail store resizes itself to accommodate consumers who do not find online shopping advantageous. Traditional stores are now focused on providing the ultimate buyer experience in-store, customizing service based on consumer demand.

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Success and failure, both for consumers and retailers, not just depend on an accurate understanding of the market, but are also influenced by flexibility in maximizing emerging market trends and responding to the demands of the hyper-empowered consumers immediately.  

Club Luichi offers a worry-free personalized shopping service. Add this Google+ page to your circles for more tips on easy shopping.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

REPOST: Hassle-free Holiday Air Travel Tips

Year-end travel can be stressful: costly airfare, crowded flights, and cramped hotel rooms are just some of the regular pickings. The Huffington Post provides tips for dealing with holiday travel nightmares in the article below:  

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Now that you've survived the dreaded Thanksgiving travel weekend, it's time to start preparing for the next busiest period: year-end travel. And though Christmas doesn't see the same volume of travelers as Thanksgiving (the U.S. Department of Transportation estimates that the number of long distance trips increases by 54 percent around Thanksgiving; Christmas and New Year's only see a 23 percent upsurge), it's still a hectic time to travel.

In an effort to help you get through this busy season, U.S. News talked with several travel experts for tips on improving the experience. Last week, we got the scoop from on preparing for and dealing with weather-related flight delays, and this week we talked to Courtney Scott, senior editor for Her No. 1 piece of advice? "Be as armed and prepared as possible when heading into holiday travel." Here are some crucial tips for dealing with all aspects of year-end air travel.

Plan ahead

Avoiding holiday travel headaches starts long before you get to the airport. Scott advised shipping your gifts at least a week before you depart -- the cost of shipping is ultimately cheaper than those checked baggage fees, so why not sidestep the hassle? Plus with just a carry-on, you don't need to worry about the airline losing your luggage. If you do need to check a bag, consider paying the fee online before you get to the airport. Some airlines, such as Sun Country, Spirit and Frontier, offer discounted checked bag fees for customers who pay when they check in online.

Scott also recommended prepaying for airport parking. Companies like Park N' Fly and allow you to reserve parking spots and pay ahead of time, meaning you won't have to waste time circling the lot in search of an empty spot. Some of these services also offer competitive rates that are lower than those offered in the airport's long-term lot on your departure date. You should also check to see if the airport offers a discounted prepaid option directly through its website, such as the one offered by Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.

Ready your smartphone

Your smartphone is your best tool for holiday air travel. Scott recommended downloading the My TSA mobile app, which has a "Can I Bring?" feature that allows users to search if an item is permitted or prohibited. Use this while you're packing to avoid delays at airport security. If you're a frequent flier, you're probably already using the FlightAware website and app, but its Misery Map is especially useful during frequent winter storms. The map shows worldwide cancellations and delays, an important tool if you're flying from or to an area hit with winter weather. If you do encounter a delay, GateGuru can help you monitor the status of your flight and point you in the direction of airport amenities with its AirportCard feature, which also includes a map. And if you don't already have the Uber app, now's the time to get it. Scott suggested using the app if you need a cab during off hours, when airport taxis may be scarce. Another bonus: All of these are free to download.

Scott also advised adding emergency travel numbers to your phone, including the airline reservation and customer service lines, and if you used third-party booking sites like Expedia or Priceline, the numbers for them as well. If you booked your ticket through these sites, their agents may be able to find an alternate flight for you should your trip get delayed or canceled. While it's easy to look these up on the fly -- especially with the ubiquity of free airport Wi-Fi -- having the numbers already plugged in to your phone can save you precious time.
Get to the airport early

This may sound like a no-brainer, but getting to the airport at least two hours ahead of your flight is essential, according to Scott. Remember that mile-long security line at Chicago's Midway Airport the Sunday after Thanksgiving? We're guessing those passengers wished they had more time to get through security. Plus, according to a new report from the U.S. Travel Association, 13 of the nation's largest 30 airports already experience Thanksgiving-like traffic once a week. Allow yourself plenty of time to get to your gate by checking in online as soon you receive the reminder email from your airline. This is especially critical if you're flying with an air carrier that determines seats or boarding groups by check-in time (like Southwest Airlines, for example). It's one less stress you'll have to worry about the day of your trip.

Know your options

That old military axiom "the best defense is a good offense" couldn't be truer for holiday air travel. It may be a bit time consuming, but mapping out a plan B can save you some scrambling should your flight get delayed or canceled. Scott suggested looking up and jotting down alternative flights before your trip gets disrupted. If you know which backup itineraries work best for you, you can suggest them to the airline representative rebooking you.

And if you're worried that you could get stranded at the airport, check to see if there are any airport hotels nearby, and their availability and pricing. This is where tools like HotelTonight, and come in handy.

Once you've survived the holiday travel season, why not reward yourself with a vacation? Next week, we discuss why traveling should be your No. 1 New Year's resolution, with input from Joe Diaz, co-founder and chief product officer for AFAR Media.

The personal managers and service providers of Club Luichi help busy travelers secure their flights and plan their itineraries efficiently.Subscribe to this blog for more discussions on personal concierge services.