Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Understanding The Value Of Time For Consumers

A shopper was once shopping for a bag; and after hours of searching online, he found one that he liked that was valued at $19. As affordable as it was, to have it shipped in from Europe though would cost an additional $45. 

Understandably hesitant about paying more than twice the retail value of the product just to have it imported, he searched for local stores that carried the bag. He found one that would require him to go out of his way for about an hour. 

Image source: prospectorsacademy.com

“Is an hour of one’s time worth $45?” This is an example of the time versus money dilemma that almost every consumer faces when they pay for products or services. 

Many economic researchers have devised means of measuring the monetary value of time. And what they agree on is that time spent on non-income-generating or even meaningless activities, such as waiting, queuing, commuting, and walking around while shopping, can be considered wasted time. 

Image source: travel.bart.la
This is the reason airlines have offered nonstop flights for significantly higher fares. It is also the logic behind the success and popularity of online commerce, and other time-saving services. Businesses have also invested a lot of resources on increasing the efficiency of the delivery of their products and services to show that they also value the time of their customers.

Club Luichi is comprised of an expert team of personal managers, retailers, and service providers that gives its members the opportunity to access a wide selection of exclusive products and services at reasonable prices. Learn more by visiting this website.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Two Financial Reasons To Hire a Personal Shopper

Image source: menhealth.co.uk
There are different reasons an individual hires a personal shopper. But it is usually dependent on the client’s short- and long-term goals. Below are two financial benefits of hiring a personal shopper.

Personal shoppers save money in the long-run: The main contention to hiring a personal shopper is that it is an expense. Many financial advisors caution against this term and instead compare the nuances with the other term, cost. The initial price of hiring a personal shopper has to be balanced with how much a company or an individual save in the long run. Personal shoppers are highly skilled in negotiation and often have an established network of manufacturers and suppliers. This allows them to get the best prices for certain goods and products. Thus, the price becomes a cost rather than an expense as the former suggests that a return of investment is expected after a given period.

Image source: livingtheclassylife.com
Personal shoppers help build connections: Jumping from the previous point, personal shoppers introduce businesses to other contact points. These may or may not be useful in the future. Still, it makes future coordination easier. Financial analysts always highlight the importance of building connections in the beginning, without any expectation or goal. These networks should be kept in mind’s reach as they can be proven useful in the future. It must be emphasized that there should never be an underlying financial intention when starting a relationship – companies and individuals pick this up instinctively. Instead, a friendly relation should be formed without any assumption.

Personal shoppers help businesses and individuals achieve their shopping goals. Speaking with one will ease any hesitation and caution most people have.

Club Luichi is a specialized group composed of respected personal shoppers. Learn more by following this link.